יום רביעי, 6 בפברואר 2013

Respect For Other Cultures

We exchanged parcels to showcase our life, daily routine, traditions, culture and cuntries.

Our counterparts in Russia, Italy and Bulgaria were thrilled by our parcels and all were fascinated by warmth we put into them. It was a real fruit of love friends; e.g., the booklet about Israel was created by many students-one student being responsible for each issue.The recipes of the Israeli breakfast-hummus and tehina-healthy and energizing elements of our lifestyle were the highlight of our postage. Shahar compiled it all.
WE also expressed our gratitude upon receiving beautifully organized parcels from our partnership countries.We gathered all the project participants in the auditorium and showed them all parcel exhibits.It was really about Friends United-sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words-impressive, covered old and modern sights, video presentations on Moscow and old Russia,butterflies and other beautiful objects produced my Maria’s students at their school art centre, the magnificent views of the lake Majore, delightful reports, English articles in the Italian school newspaper, a woolen decorative mat from Bulgaria, and more and more symbols, souvenirs, maps, dolls and otherimportant images of  your countries . It was a genuine act of international friendship. It became a real  learning adventure and exploration of our countries And a few days ago, we got a letter from Russia confirming and re-patterning our cooperation .And the Beat goes on.

יום שלישי, 5 בפברואר 2013

Skype Session

Grades 9 and 10 Moscow School 1298 and grades 10  and 11 and from Atid Lod met at their Skype sessions. Our communication showed that we had much to discuss; e.g., school- hobbies, daily routine, special projects and volunteering, youth movements and sports. We
met at a great and inspiring Skype session and broke the ice of our comunication and bridge the gap between -30 degrees of Russian winter and +22 in Israel by warming hearts, talking, asking questions and singing songs.